
I am the Director, Department of Education Administration and Development at the National Institute of Education, Sri Lanka.
My main activities are development of school curricula, development of Educational Software and training of teachers on ICT for the Sri Lankan schools system. Content

Saturday, October 29, 2016

NIE Educational Software

National Institute of Education has developed number of Educational Software and distributed in school island wide.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Students of BEd Common ICT at Meepe Center

Blog web sites of students who follow Common ICT subject

1. Leoni Cooray
2. W.V.D.S.D. Kumari


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

DICTEM Diploma, ICT for Educational Managers

Thematic Courses leading to

Diploma in Information Communication Technology

for Educational Managers (DICTEM)-2014

South Asian Center for Teacher Development - SACTD, NIE
National Institute of Education, Meepe Junction, Padukka
Applications were called for the above diploma conducted by South Asian Center for Teacher Development, NIE at Meepe Junction, Padukka. The institute conducts 17 thematic courses for the diploma. Eleven courses out of 17 courses are compulsory. Students can select four courses from the 6 optional courses. Therefore, 15 courses should be pursued for the diploma certificate. A course will be held from Friday to Monday. One or two courses will be conducted for a month.

Course 1 was conducted from 12th September 2014 to 15th September 2014.

Commence of the Course 1 on 12th September 2014 
Class of the DICTEM Course 1
Course 2 is scheduled to conduct from 10th October 2014 to 13th October 2014.

Students of the Course 1


More details and applications